Gottfried Helnwein Image One

Image One
I believe this picture is trying to describe how something small and minuscule can change your outlook on something, such as the picture.  I believe the image is in an artistic format, and it was photoshopped in order to be perceived in the way the artist intended.  The man on her face is able to cause a lot of change to her, despite being so small.  In my opinion, her expression almost seems scared or anxious.  To me, the image says that small things may end up causing you distress, regardless of how strong you think you are.  I believe the photographer wanted you to decide on how to perceive it, with no planned/structural meaning to it.  The difference of scale between the man and the woman's face is to show how things can mean something, even if you're thinking it won't because of its size or importance of the purpose.


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