Letter to the Past

Dear Past Self,

When taking your photography class, you need to focus and improve on a few things to start off.  This especially includes planning ahead and using your class time more wisely.
If you know an assignment is due next Wednesday, please don't wait until Tuesday night at 11:00pm to try and complete it.  This just causes stress, and mediocre at best results in the end.  While you still may obtain a good grade, you could also be obtaining a sense of pride when submitting your final photos.
Also, try to use your class time in better ways.  If you don't have much to work on, or you haven't taken your photos yet, try to brainstorm new ideas, or try to find something productive to work on.  This way, you can improve both your experience in the class, and your mind is boosted as well.

Here's an example of a good photography job you did:

The prompt of the picture was to simply use white paper to create a photo, and it was meant as your final grade.  I created a small scene that's almost telling a story of the character.  If I was to do this assignment again, I'd be way more careful with how I handled the small objects, as I ended up getting glue everywhere resulting in fuzz all over the project.

In conclusion, you have the potential to excel in the class, you just have to put your mind to it.

Future You


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