Reflection / Reflection

Quality of Work
When taking my photos, I tried to be sure I concentrated on how my camera was focused/what it was focused on, as well as how well the background worked with the subject.  I tried to use subjects that weren't normally used, or subjects that worked really well with the assigned topic.  When assigned assignments, I tried to think about how I could work uniquely while also sticking to the point of the topic/assignment.  This could include taking the topic not too literally, and taking it in another direction than intended.  When saving or uploading completed work, I would make sure I saved as a JPEG with maximum quality.  I tried to complete the assignments about a week or two after they were assigned, unless we were presenting on a specific date.  I almost never used my first idea, unless I was sure it wasn't something commonly thought of when that specific topic was brought up.

When assigned something, I would shoot photos throughout the week on my phone if I gathered an idea somewhere.  Then, I would either take my camera back to the place, or I would create a similar atmosphere somewhere else if it wasn't possible to go back.  I didn't really plan when taking photos, as for me that makes my mind more cluttered and off track.  I'd much rather just roll with the punches and see where my mind takes me.  I typically shot around 40 shots, depending on how many ideas I had or how interested I was in the topic.  If I thought an idea was difficult, I would try to shoot for it anyway.  If that didn't work out, I'd try to find a way to create something similar.  I took risks throughout the semester creatively and physically at points, as I think that's the best way to achieve the best shot.  I'm pretty shy to say anything, but I will tell people nearby if I enjoy their work and why, and I'll give criticism if asked for.  I don't have too much of a positive attitude towards my own work, as I put little things down a lot and sometimes end up deleting the whole set of photos in spite.

I'm always sure to be on time to class, as my period before is across the hall.  I try to work throughout the block, though I sometimes will get distracted by other things, which is something I need to work on.  I work independently all the time, and I try to schedule my day for myself, to make it easier to concentrate.  I stay on task if I'm working hard, but I sometimes get distracted as previously stated.  I will sometimes use my phone if getting tired/bored in order to wake myself up.

During this semester, I found out a lot about who I am as a photographer and how I want to progress stylistically.  Technically, I can work on the focus of my shots, and how I edit the contrast in Photoshop.  I could composite photos better, and maybe work on better backgrounds to make the subjects in my photos really stand out.  I could also create bolder shots that draw in people's eye, making them more compelling by using color or interesting subject matter.  If I had more confidence as a photographer, I most likely could work harder and strive for even better end results.  Also, if I created more meanings behind my photos it could help me in editing, especially with dark messages.

In the second semester, I will work harder at staying on task and consistently working throughout the block.  I will attempt to have more faith in myself when photographing and editing, and it'll produce better end results in my opinion.

Suggest an Assignment
We could possibly have to shoot something in bold/neon colors, and have to turn it black and white.  The twist could be that we're unaware of having to turn it to the grayscale colors, so people will really have to rely on their composition skills and contrast editing to work out their project fully.

Based on the improvements and additions I've made to my typical routine in photography, I'd give myself a B.


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